The Celtic Tribal Cross

The Celtic Tribal CrossThe Celtic crosses we see today have their origins in Christianity. However Celtic crosses have their roots dating back thousands of years before the Celts were converted to Christianity. The ornately decorated high crosses that are today found in Ireland, England and Scotland were erected as status symbols for monasteries. Although they remain as a testimony to Celtic art they don't have anything to do with Celtic tribal crosses.

The Celtic Tribal CrossCeltic Cross Tattoos
The name Tribal signifies warfare and the tribal cross was most likely a Celtic warrior tattoo that these extremely brave and fierce fighters placed on their bodies when they went to battle. It is however not 100% known whether the ancient Celts actually tattooed their skins or just painted their skins. The effect was the same though and the sight of naked wild haired blue tattooed warriors was meant to put fear into the hearts of their opponents. In fact Caesar used the word barbarian with the Celts in mind. After their conversion to Christianity warfare became a thing of the past

The Celtic Tribal Cross

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